At the GASFL, we offer our students the experience of full immersion German preschool classrooms influenced by the idea of the Montessori Method. We are committed to providing your child with the best possible education and care. All our highly qualified teachers thrive to have
Language School
The Language School at the German – American School of Ft. Lauderdale offers various courses in which children and adults learn the German language, customs and culture. We furthermore teach Art-, Music- and Science / Social Studies courses in a full immersion German setting.
Summer Camp
The German-American School of Ft. Lauderdale’s Summer Camp Program offers indoor and outdoor activities, plus opportunities for fun, friendships, and exploration for children 1-9 years in a fun and relaxed full immersion German language setting.
The ‘German School of Ft. Lauderdale’ was founded in summer 2002.
What we Offer
We offer a daily full German immersion Montessori preschool program. Furthermore the curriculum includes ‘German Lessons at the Elementary Level’ and group lessons teaching ‘German as a Foreign Language’ for children and adults.
Classes are being taught by certified instructors.
Our pupils participate annually in the “National German Exam’ of the AATG (American Association of Teachers of German) and in the examinations to “The german Language Diploma’, administered by the ‘Central Agency for Schools Abroad’ (ZfA).
The ‘German School of Fort Lauderdale’ will prepare its students for the AP, or Advanced Placement exam. This is a college-level exam, which students can take at their high schools. Students need to register and pay for the exam at their school. It gets administered in the month of May.
The AP German Language and Culture Exam assesses students’ proficiencies in the interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational modes of communication. The exam is three hours long and includes both a 95-minute multiple-choice section and an 85-minute free-response section. The multiple-choice section accounts for half of the student’s exam grade, and the free-response section accounts for the other half.
Our program furthermore includes a diverse music and art program. Recorder lessons, singing, music, arts and crafts play a role in the various courses offered. ‘Learning With All Your Senses’ and open work-forms count among the dominant teaching principles and methods. In our daily preschool program, we work according to the ideas and principles of the Montessori Method.
How We Teach
At the German School of Ft. Lauderdale the teaching principles of ‘Learning With Your Head, Heart, and Hands’ like those of ‘Learning With All Your Senses’ play a particularly important role for children being introduced to the German language and culture. The full immersion concept of our school is based on the belief that languages are best learned in situations, in which students play, explore, create, sing, and learn. Using games, puppets, songs, rhymes, and small scenes, our curriculum builds upon German speech patterns, the children may apply to various settings they find meaningful. While students will become more and more fluent in speaking the German language, they will be prepared to enter an American Kindergarten at the end of our preschool program, since letters, phonics, number etc. are introduced in the English language at the VPK program of our partner school.
The teachers at the ‘German School of Ft. Lauderdale’ act as guides and helpers in the children’s natural desire to learn. Teachers prepare the classroom, its materials and guide students gently towards their individual goals. Instruction methods emphasize natural learning processes, play, and fun. The ‘German School of Ft. Lauderdale’ recognizes that students learn from their peers, and that they can be positive role models for students both older and younger than themselves.
Our classroom is equipped with exclusively educational materials and we have incorporated some aspects of the ‘Montessori Method’ and its materials into our curriculum. The ‘Montessori Environment’ is quiet, respectful, and non-competitive. Children move freely and purposefully throughout the classroom choosing materials they wish to “learn” with, returning them to the shelf as found before moving on to new work.
Lessons are usually presented individually, with ample opportunities for group interaction during circle, music, art, and outdoor activities. Most lessons are independent from the language spoken and are wonderful instruments for a full immersion, or a bilingual language setting.
What We Value
The German School community respects each child as a unique person. We value our student’s physical, emotional, social and cultural individuality, and seek to establish a trusting relationship between teachers, parents and children so that students can grow and learn in a way that fits their personal needs. The German School classroom, enriched by the unique personalities and perspectives of each student, provides an environment in which children can feel confident in exploring their own interests, thoughts and feelings.
Multicultural Approach
By introducing elements of German culture, the ‘German School of Ft. Lauderdale’ supports the understanding of multiple cultures. We design activities that highlight traditions specific to German-speaking cultures in a manner that invites and respects the individual background of all students. Discussions such as “What festivities does your family celebrate?” establishes an awareness of the differences and commonalities between people and cultures in the global community. We model a peaceful, embracing attitude about the world, while encouraging a desire within our students to go out into the world to explore, find, experience and learn.
On the matter of leadership, we believe, that a leader needs to be involved in all aspects of the daily school life, stay connected and understand what is going on and where changes are necessary. Respect for each other is one of the most important elements to maintain a positive relationship with all employees. At the same time it is very important to lead by example and to act as a role model to other members of the staff, as well as students. We believe in open communication, which is an important tool in staying connected to staff members.

What we Offer
We offer a daily full German immersion Montessori preschool program. Furthermore the curriculum includes ‘German Lessons at the Elementary Level’ and group lessons teaching ‘German as a Foreign Language’ for children and adults.
Classes are being taught by certified instructors.
Our pupils participate annually in the “National German Exam’ of the AATG (American Association of Teachers of German) and in the examinations to “The german Language Diploma’, administered by the ‘Central Agency for Schools Abroad’ (ZfA).
The ‘German School of Fort Lauderdale’ will prepare its students for the AP, or Advanced Placement exam. This is a college-level exam, which students can take at their high schools. Students need to register and pay for the exam at their school. It gets administered in the month of May.
The AP German Language and Culture Exam assesses students’ proficiencies in the interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational modes of communication. The exam is three hours long and includes both a 95-minute multiple-choice section and an 85-minute free-response section. The multiple-choice section accounts for half of the student’s exam grade, and the free-response section accounts for the other half.
Our program furthermore includes a diverse music and art program. Recorder lessons, singing, music, arts and crafts play a role in the various courses offered. ‘Learning With All Your Senses’ and open work-forms count among the dominant teaching principles and methods. In our daily preschool program, we work according to the ideas and principles of the Montessori Method.
How We Teach
At the German School of Ft. Lauderdale the teaching principles of ‘Learning With Your Head, Heart, and Hands’ like those of ‘Learning With All Your Senses’ play a particularly important role for children being introduced to the German language and culture. The full immersion concept of our school is based on the belief that languages are best learned in situations, in which students play, explore, create, sing, and learn.
Using games, puppets, songs, rhymes, and small scenes, our curriculum builds upon German speech patterns, the children may apply to various settings they find meaningful. While students will become more and more fluent in speaking the German language, they will be prepared to enter an American Kindergarten at the end of our preschool program, since letters, phonics, number etc. are introduced in the English language at the VPK program of our partner school.
The teachers at the ‘German School of Ft. Lauderdale’ act as guides and helpers in the children’s natural desire to learn. Teachers prepare the classroom, its materials and guide students gently towards their individual goals. Instruction methods emphasize natural learning processes, play, and fun. The ‘German School of Ft. Lauderdale’ recognizes that students learn from their peers, and that they can be positive role models for students both older and younger than themselves.
Our classroom is equipped with exclusively educational materials and we have incorporated some aspects of the ‘Montessori Method’ and its materials into our curriculum. The ‘Montessori Environment’ is quiet, respectful, and non-competitive. Children move freely and purposefully throughout the classroom choosing materials they wish to “learn” with, returning them to the shelf as found before moving on to new work.
Lessons are usually presented individually, with ample opportunities for group interaction during circle, music, art, and outdoor activities. Most lessons are independent from the language spoken and are wonderful instruments for a full immersion, or a bilingual language setting.

What We Value
The German School community respects each child as a unique person. We value our student’s physical, emotional, social and cultural individuality, and seek to establish a trusting relationship between teachers, parents and children so that students can grow and learn in a way that fits their personal needs. The German School classroom, enriched by the unique personalities and perspectives of each student, provides an environment in which children can feel confident in exploring their own interests, thoughts and feelings.
Multicultural Approach
By introducing elements of German culture, the ‘German School of Ft. Lauderdale’ supports the understanding of multiple cultures. We design activities that highlight traditions specific to German-speaking cultures in a manner that invites and respects the individual background of all students. Discussions such as “What festivities does your family celebrate?” establishes an awareness of the differences and commonalities between people and cultures in the global community. We model a peaceful, embracing attitude about the world, while encouraging a desire within our students to go out into the world to explore, find, experience and learn.
On the matter of leadership, we believe, that a leader needs to be involved in all aspects of the daily school life, stay connected and understand what is going on and where changes are necessary. Respect for each other is one of the most important elements to maintain a positive relationship with all employees. At the same time it is very important to lead by example and to act as a role model to other members of the staff, as well as students. We believe in open communication, which is an important tool in staying connected to staff members.
Multicultural Approach

By introducing elements of German culture, the ‘German School of Ft. Lauderdale‘ supports the understanding of multiple cultures. We design activities that highlight traditions specific to German-speaking cultures in a manner that invites and respects the individual background of all students. Discussions such as „What festivities does your family celebrate?“ establishes an awareness of the differences and commonalities between people and cultures in the global community. We model a peaceful, embracing attitude about the world, while encouraging a desire within our students to go out into the world to explore, find, experience and learn.
On the matter of leadership, we believe, that a leader needs to be involved in all aspects of the daily school life, stay connected and understand what is going on and where changes are necessary. Respect for each other is one of the most important elements to maintain a positive relationship with all employees. At the same time it is very important to lead by example and to act as a role model to other members of the staff, as well as students. We believe in open communication, which is an important tool in staying connected to staff members.

Svenja Iglesias
Svenja Iglesias was born in Essen, Germany, and has lived and worked there until the year of 2000. She attended the ‘University Essen’ and passed the ‘First State Examination for Elementary School Teachers’.
Following that, she concluded a two year internship at the ‘Study seminar for Elementary School Teachers – Essen’ and passed the ‘Second State Exam for Elementary School Teachers’, which is the equivalent of the US degree ‘Master of Science in Elementary Education’.
The focus of Svenja’s pedagogical interest was and still is reform pedagogy. Both her state exam thesis dealt with these areas.
Svenja founded the ‘German-American School’ in August of 2002, first as a Saturday school and later followed by the preschool. She loves to pass the German language, customs and culture on abroad, as well as the teaching of children and adults.
Svenja is very passionate about her profession.
In her spare time, she enjoys spending time with her, daughters and friends, loves traveling, working out as well as activities in the nature and waters of Florida.
Svenja Iglesias
(Director/ Owner)
APPLE (Accredited Professional Preschool Learning Environment) Accreditation is a national American early learning program accreditation that recognizes early learning centers for operating high quality programs. Research shows a direct link between a high-quality early learning experience and a child’s future success. APPLE sets standards which accelerate an early learning center’s drive to achieve that level of care and education outcomes
Founded in 1978, the German Language School Conference (GLSC) is the only national organization dedicated to the needs of community-based German language schools in the United States. Our mission is to link member schools with a central organization for information and support. We assist in the establishment of new language schools and provide a forum for sharing experiences and advice.
PASCH stands for the initiative “Schools: Partners of the Future”. It networks more than 1,800 schools worldwide, where the German language is of importance. PASCH is an initiative of the Federal Foreign Office in cooperation with the Central Office for Schools Abroad (ZfA), the Goethe-Institut (GI), the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and the Pedagogical Exchange Service (PAD) of the Standing Conference.
Students of the “German-American School of Ft. Lauderdale” may obtain the German Language Certificate (DSD) of the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the States in the Federal Republic of Germany as proof of knowledge of the German language in two steps. All in all, there are 4 exam segments testing 4 skills: auditory comprehension, reading comprehension, written and oral communication. The test problems are prepared by the “Zentralstelle für das Auslandsschulwesen” (ZfA) [Central Department for the School System Abroad] in Cologne, and the test implementation rests with the local German teachers.
Level I of the DSD is considered proof of knowledge of the German language necessary to be accepted at a preparatory college. Pursuant to the Resolution of the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the States in the Federal Republic of Germany, Level II qualifies as proof of knowledge of the German language required for a university education.
The Voluntary Prekindergarten Education Program – or VPK – is a free prekindergarten program for 4 and 5-year-olds who reside in Florida. Parents can enroll their child in the state’s free, voluntary prekindergarten (VPK) education program that year or wait until the following year when their child is 5. The program and its curriculum are regulated by the state of Florida.
The Florida Association for Child Care Management is a nonprofit, professional organization of childcare providers dedicated to ensuring the highest quality in the early learning industry through accreditation, education and advocacy.
The Florida Department of Children and Families (DCF) is a state agency of Florida. Its headquarters are in Tallahassee. The department provides social services to children, adults, refugees, domestic violence victims, human trafficking victims, the homeless community, childcare providers, disabled people, elderly.
With nearly 3,500 members, the American Association of Teachers of German is for teachers of German at all levels of instruction and all those interested in the teaching of German. Founded in 1926, AATG believes that bringing the language, literature, and cultures of the German speaking world to all Americans is a vital humanistic endeavor, which serves an essential national interest.