Lernen mit Kopf, Herz und Hand


Full Immersion German Preschool program

At the GASFL, we offer our students the experience of full immersion German preschool classrooms influenced by the idea of the Montessori Method.

We are committed to providing your child with the best possible education and care. All our highly qualified teachers thrive to have all children reach their highest potential. We believe in the value and uniqueness of each child. Our developmentally appropriate curriculum is designed to foster the social, emotional, intellectual, spiritual and physical needs as well as interest and talents of the children we serve.

Due to the experience of our students‘ complete immersion in the German language in the relaxed Montessori environment, it is easy for them to acquire it.

The teaching principles „learning with head, heart and hand“ and „learning with all senses“ play a particularly important role in our preschool. The “Montessori environment” is calm, respectful and not competitive. The children can move freely and purposefully in the classroom. In doing so, they select materials that they want to use to “learn” and that they put back on the shelf as found before moving on to the next project. Circle games, music, art and outdoor activities also offer children enough opportunities for group interaction. ‚Help me to do it myself!‘ Is an important guiding principle of the Montessori education.

In our VPK program (Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten Program), which is financially supported by the state of Florida, our students are prepared for the „American Kindergarten“ since letters, phonetics, numbers etc. are taught in English in this program. This voluntary, English part of our curriculum is offered to children in the last pre-school year (Pre-K4), lasts 3 hours a day, is free of charge and regulated by the State of Florida.


Sea Turtles

The children in our “Schildkröten” group are our youngest students. They are between one and two years old. The lead teacher is this classroom is Pia Lauer.


The children in the “Delfine” group are between 2 and 3 years old. Lead teacher is Jana Lauer.


The children in the “Kroko” group are between 3 and 4 years old. The lead teacher in this group is Angela Masak.


The children in the Flamingo / VPK classroom are between 4 and 5 years old. Lead teacher is Nicole Raphael. In this group we teach according to the VPK program (Voluntary Prekindergarten Program) requirements from 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. During that time the language in the classroom is English. Starting at 11:30 a.m., we switch over to the full immersion German program.


Antje Angela Masak

Angela Masak was born and grew up in Dresden, Germany. She has two grown children. Mrs. Masak worked with children ages 3-10 in Germany for over 20 years. She is an elementary school teacher and taught art and music, worked with children in aftercare, as well as an independent educator. At the institute for teacher´s education Loebau, she earned her degree in art and music 1-4, as well as her degree as an aftercare teacher. Later on, she extended her professional more and passed the federal state exam for educators for children aged 0-21 years. In addition, she earned the child Development Associate (CDA) in 2018, which is nationally accredited. Mrs. Masak enjoys bringing the children closer to the German language and traditions in a very motivated way.

Nicole Raphael

Nicole Raphael was born in Erlangen, a small town in Bavaria.
She moved to Pembroke Pines in 2016 where she was a stay-at-home mom. In 2019 she attended the Sheridan Technical College in Early Childhood Education and completed the “Active Birth through Five Child Care Credential”, as well as her “Directors Credential” for the state of Florida.
Nicole enjoys swimming and spending the time with her daughter.

Armande Herold

Armande Herold was born in Eindhoven, The Netherlands and was raised mainly in Germany. She graduated from the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz with a PhD in Biology.
1994 she moved with her husband and 2 daughters to the USA and lived for 20 years in New Jersey. Here she began to teach German at NJ Schools and at LEARN, a private language school.
6 years ago Armande and her husband decided to move to Florida, because of the sunshine and the horses. Meanwhile Armande has taken Childcare classes by the state of Florida and is truly enjoying being back in the classroom and able to prove that languages are fascinating and fun. She also enjoys spending time with the Toddlers, who are so creative.
She has established her life in Florida with riding her horses, enjoying her family and friends, spending time at the beaches and loving the lush nature in the sunshine State.

Aline Leon

Aline Leon is originally from beautiful Altdorf, Switzerland. She has spent over a decade working with children, ranging from infants to 11-year-olds. Aline earned her Child Development Associate (CDA) credential in 2013 and has a special love for toddlers. Their curiosity and growth make every day spent working with them rewarding.
Aline has been married for 37 years and is a proud mother of two grown daughters. When she’s not caring for little ones, she enjoys spending time with her family and embracing the outdoors in beautiful South Florida.

Yasemin Pakyurek

Yasemin Pakyurek was born and raised in Salzgitter-Lebenstedt, located in Germany's Lower Saxony region. After moving to Turkey, she continued her education in German schools in Istanbul and earned a Bachelor’s degree in German Language and Literature from the University of Istanbul. She also completed 33 credits of theoretical and practical courses at the same faculty and received a “Primary Education Classroom Teaching Certificate” in 2000. In 2011, while pregnant with her daughter, Mrs. Pakyurek earned an Associate Degree as a “Laboratory Veterinary Technician” from Anadolu University.
Mrs. Pakyurek has worked with children aged 1-12 at various hotels in Turkey as a Mini-Club Teacher, performed in children’s theaters for schools, and worked as an independent educator. In 2018, she moved with her family to Coral Springs, Florida. She enjoys having tea time with her 13-year-old daughter, taking long walks with her dog, playing darts, singing, and playing her guitar. Mrs. Pakyurek is excited to work in an environment with children and a happy team, and she loves using theater and music in children's language education.


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